“This is earth-shaking and it does go deeper than Watergate”
Props to Rep Steve King for taking it to Chris Cuomo, who is no journalist but a political operative.. and a bad one at that! This just goes to show the media is as corrupt as the DOJ/ FBI. Any real journalist would want to get to the bottom of what the heck is going on with these two agencies. Instead the media has taken the role of being the mouthpiece for the democrat party who is desperately trying to keep this memo from seeing the light of day.
There is no other description you can use to describe what is unfolding than to say this is a soft coup. We have two federal agencies who upper echelon engaged in spying and actively trying to undermine an election because they didn’t like the guy on the GOP ticket. Post election they continue their witch hunt, building a case to frame him and those around him using Russian propaganda paid for by the losing candidate and her party!
Let’s make something clear as to why House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes wrote the memo. Normally when theres signs of corruption or criminal activity by an agency under oversight by a House committee, the committee will conduct an investigation. If they have findings of a crime they’ll refer to DOJ to conduct a criminal investigation, but in this case said agency is corrupt. Option 2 is to go to the FBI to conduct the investigation but then again it too is corrupt. Option 3, not really, he could go to the media but that would create problems on protocol and rules violations, although the info could be “leaked”, but it would be ignored.
So Nunes put together all the facts collected by the HPSCI into a memo. Congressional members who have viewed the memo are adamant it needs to be made public, that way the people will put pressure on both agencies to clean house because they’re now outed. Keep in mind many congressmen said memo was written with next to no confidential info, in other words it was written for the public to read.
The memo puts all the pieces we know to date together and probably fills in a lot of holes and questions. Libs like Cuomo don’t want the memo out because it will blow holes in all their theories and crazy conspiracies and expose soft coup conspirators. Lastly keep in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg so do not expect some shock and awe moment.