CNN’s legal ANALyst, Jeffrey Toobin, performed gymnastics falsely claiming antifa is “widely perceived as an African-American organization” in order to pull the race card against Pres Trump. Trump allegedly warned attendees during a private dinner for evangelical Christian ministers of the potential for violence if republicans lose in the midterms.
“It’s not a question of like or dislike, it’s a question that they will overturn everything that we’ve done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa — these are violent people”~ Guardian
Toobin used this opportunity of Trump mentioning antifa to make things up about them, whom CNN vehemently defends, while tying to Trump’s feud with Lebron James, Don Lemon, the NFL (many black players taking a knee), Maxine Waters, UCLA etc.
Every single video posted on this site, and countless others antifa is dominantly composed of mentally screwed up white people. There are other minorities participating in antifa, but for the most part they’re hateful unhinged mentally challenged whites. So not only is CNN once again LYING they’re now fueling another falsehood that POTUS is a racist.
After looking at the Antifa mug shots I am trying to figure out how @JeffreyToobin came up with the logic last night on @CNN that Antifa is widely African American.
— Kambree Kawahine Koa (@KamVTV) August 29, 2018
"ANTIFA is an African-American organization." — CNN 🤦🏾♂️
— Hotep Jesus 🧠 (@VibeHi) August 29, 2018
Trump’s alleged warning to evangelicals is about losing all the progress that was made. He’s pointing out how violent the Left is, how quickly they act. If anyone stands opposed to their agenda being advanced, where it’s safe to assume republican voters wouldn’t be happy about taxes being raised, single payer being implemented who would peacefully protest violence would break out by Leftist counter-protesters, including antifa!
If you want to silence this bullshit coming from CNN, MSNBC, the socialist party and their foot soldiers get out and vote this Nov. If you want to keep your crumbs, enjoy the new job you were fortunate to find (many of us can’t find work) etc not voting GOP this Nov is NOT an option.
The Left is out for blood. They will instigate violence, make the divide between the races bigger than what obama started and do everything they can to keep you from the voting polls. GOP must win this Nov, otherwise they will destroy everything AFTER they impeach Trump, then Pence and install their Speaker as POTUS. It sounds crazy but that is their real plan, there’s no other way they can do everything their planning unless the Pres and VP are out of the picture IF they take both houses.
Ball is in your court, there’s 70 days to stop the Blue Wave.