Pelosi Advocates Violence.. “For the Children” at DNC Meeting


Nancy Pelosi was giving a speech at the DNC summer meeting, going over the party’s ‘accomplishments’ and discussing how hard they must fight to win in 2020, where she told attendees you must be able to “take a punch” but in the same breath (taking a page from Maxine Waters) she also said “you have to be ready to throw a punch… for the children”! It’s all right there in full context, she wasn’t speaking figuratively, metaphorically or whatever excuse she and her team will come up with. Hell you can watch the whole meeting here if you want.

What spokeswoman Pelosi (I guess Speaker Ocasio-Cortez was too busy trying to remove the racist Electoral College to speak) said shouldn’t be surprising since the Left has been calling for acts of intimidation, harassment and even violence against anyone who opposes their agenda. They are hell-bent on holding onto the House, taking the Senate and the White House in 2020. If you don’t think punches will be thrown, after all we’ve seen to date you’re nuts. Nancy was more or less giving her blessing/ the green-light for the Left to go on the attack. Keep in mind they were silent after two of their own went on shooting sprees recently, reporters getting attacked and the on-going antisemitism from the 4 Horsewomen of the Apocalypse.

Leftists can’t win in debate so they will attack all in the name of doing it “for the children”. That will be one of many excuses they’ll use. It’s entertaining though how they pick and choose which children to support. The unborn mean nothing to them apparently!