Adam Schiff continues to run the impeachment inquiry hearing like a third-world Kangaroo Court acting as committee chairman and apparently the prosecution’s attorney! The Confederate Democrats are the only ones being permitted to call witnesses and Schiff is now instructing them to not answer republican committee members questions!
Schiff really believes the country will buy his and Pelosi’s one sided railroading of the President. Let them continue to run their version of the 1690’s Salem Witch Trials, and make every single thing they’re doing known to all voters with the warning if they’re rmitted to get away with this just think what they will do to you if they ever get power again.
To be clear for those who don’t know, the democrats control 1/2 of 1/3 of total government power. Look at how out of control they are in trying to remove Trump from office. They have done nothing with regards to the People’s business – nothing on healthcare, national security, reducing the national debt and govt spending. Instead they think undoing YOUR 2016 vote is the nations business.
Democrats, the entire Left really, are becoming increasingly unhinged, violent and dangerous. They rant about no one being above the law, and this is all about the Constitution, yet everything they’re doing is in violation of basic legal proceedings and the foundation of America’s founding. Due Process is a right we all hold the Left is denying the President! Those who were accused of witchcraft in the 1690’s had more rights, to in fact face their accusers and call witnesses to their defense.
Now do you see why the Democrats must not just be beaten in 2020 but face a POLITICAL extermination? These monsters cannot be allowed to hold power.