Fauci 2017: There Will Be a Surprise Outbreak Under the Next Admin


Dr Tony Fauci gave a keynote address at the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown Univ in 2017 where in his opening he warned “there will be a surprise outbreak” during the next administration (Trump). Per Fauci’s own words in this video he supposedly warned the incoming administration through his experience and “the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of NIAID will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”

If Fauci was clear about warning the new admin why weren’t there enough respirators, masks, gowns other PPE and still using an antiquated testing system? No one can say Trump wouldn’t listen to any warning, when the military told him they had no ammunition he got right on it, beefing our military up after obama left them in shambles. If Fauci warned him a pandemic is coming, Trump would’ve made sure we had supplies or taken the steps to get them coming, especially after obama failed to replenish everything his admin depleted. You would think after dealing with swine flu where even then there wasn’t enough supplies as fmr HHS Sec Sebelius testified..

… and the ebola outbreak Dr Fauci would’ve been adamant to Trump over the threat from another outbreak? Yet here he is in January 2020 saying don’t worry about it!

“This is not a major threat for the people in the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

The media has beaten the hell out of Pres Trump over everything he has said, where he has admitted he has been trying to be optimistic and hopeful for the country. But remember he gets his info from Fauci and the other medical advisors.

We’re not supposed to be pointing the finger of blame right now, but we have to since the democrats are blaming Trump for the deaths of Americans – What did or didn’t Fauci tell Pres Trump in the beginning? Does he bear some responsibility for the lack of preparedness the dems are quick to blame him for?