“Peaceful Protesters” Viciously Attack NYPD Officers on the Brooklyn Bridge


Three NYPD officers, including the Chief of Department Terence Monahan, were viciously attacked by “peaceful protesters” the media and democrat party routinely coddle and give cover.

This is how life is going to be if Americans don’t wake the hell up, go to the voting booths in Nov and vote out every single democrat from local to federal office and of course re-elect Donald Trump.

If Biden wins these monsters will be emboldened to say the least, ruling America’s streets because there won’t be any cops to stop them and based on Biden’s platform, with HORSE FACE serving as his gun control czar, owning a gun will be quite difficult! (Then again, they try to take our guns Civil War 2.0 is inevitable)

You cannot sit home this election – democrats must be removed from school boards, town/city councils, mayors all the way up to state representatives, senators, and governors as well as those in DC. No excuses, otherwise this is your future America. One would think after the last 3 years, not to mention 5 months should’ve been enough to get through the thickest of skulls along with obama empowering them you would wise up. That hasn’t happened as the majority of the Silent Majority remain in a deep self-induced coma afraid to fight back because you don’t want to be called a racist by the people who hate your guts to begin with and will call you anything because they know they have you afraid of your own shadow! Maybe you need to have democrats running everything (into the ground) to finally snap out of it!?