Ossoff’s Deputy Political Dir Reveals Dems Plan to Pack the Supreme Court


Anyone with 2 brain cells KNOWS the democrats are planning to pack the Supreme Court with as many justices as possible to override the rulings from ACB, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Thomas when if they are successful stealing the Presidency. They of course have their minions and voters thinking otherwise or have said enough where you will hear from any given Leftist, “Oh no, they aren’t really going to do that, it was something just thrown around.” Well here we have GA Senate runoff candidate Jon Ossoff’s Deputy Political Director, Max Harris, revealing dems plans to in fact pact SCOTUS.

To those conserv/GOP voters in GA entertaining BAD advice to sit the runoff election out, if you do that YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for whatever happens in this country by handing power over to the dems. Don’t care what so and so said, it’s BAD advice. YES, the election system is FUBAR but if enough of you come out to vote and TWICE as many seek election monitoring roles hopefully the odds of dems cheating will drop. All eyes in America will be on that election, the dems would be insane… suicidal really, to try and pull the same crap they did Nov 3rd to date in.

If the dems get control of the Senate they will bulldoze over this country at breathtaking speed over the next 2 years. They learned after 2010 they can’t waste all that power on just one issue (obamacare). If they get the Senate and the White House they will pass gun control, climate change nonsense, defund… “demilitarize the police”, cede US military, political and economic power to our enemies (China #1 on the list), they will replace obamacare with something far worse and the list goes on and on.

This country is literally on the brink of coming apart, we are repeating 1861 NOT 1776. GA voters better vote against dems like your life is on the line because it is.