Harris Blames Climate Change for Border Surge

The illegitimate regimes second in charge told reporters the surge at the border is the result of climate of change, a ‘lack of climate resilience’.

This is bs, as those illegally crossing the border have said the reason they’re coming here is because the old guy is president and for economic opportunities. The harlot and senile old man will argue climate change has effected a nation’s ability to thrive economically to justify “migrants” reasons to enter illegally. Again total bs, because oddly they’re only coming to America, that we’re told by the Left is the worst when it comes to pollution… not China, India or eastern coast of Africa.

Countries are not drying up, farm land isn’t barren around the world, as a matter of fact a lot of the produce Americans consume comes from Mexico, Central and South America. Look at that container of blueberries, strawberries or whatever you buy next time to see where it was actually grown.. you’ll see Costa Rica and others, yet people from those countries are coming to America. They’re coming here because of all the free stuff progressives are offering in exchange for votes. That’s all this is about, power and control by changing America’s demographics, to in fact do to the nation what has been successfully down in California.