Fauci: Americans Can Enjoy Holidays Only “IF You’re Vạccỉnạted And Your Family” Is Vạccỉnạted


Dr MengeleFauci fear mongered, as the old guy did, that there will be a winter surge from the bug, so naturally he continues to wield power never delegated, to him by voters, proclaiming that American’s should be masked indoors (ya know like your own home) and ‘you can enjoy the holiday season with your family if you’re vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated’

People who got the shot are getting the bug, it provides no protection! Naturally the evil elf and company claim that if you get the shot and get the bug it won’t be so bad??? Like the vaxx there is no data to support this claim, it’s as empty as when obama said they saved jobs when a massive stimulus was passed during his reign of terror. Again no data to support it but he and his regime ran with it just like the evil elf and the old are with getting the jab!

These clowns actually think Americans are sitting around waiting for their permission. If you have family questioning getting together this year tell them to stay home. Don’t ruin your holiday over one or two friends or family who listens to these monsters in govt.