Dr Fauci walked right into a buzzsaw today by Fox News’ Peter Doocy who asked about travelers needing to be tested, vẚxxed laying a trap to get the Fraud to admit vẚccines and mẚndẚtes are a must for Americans but not illegal aliens because ‘that’s a different issue’!
If you ever needed more proof the mẚndẚtes and lọckdọwns are NOT about protecting Americans, but the govts end goal of control over all of us, this is it!
We know for a fact illegals are entering the US without being properly tested and/or quẚrẚntined. If this illegitimate admin was serious about cọvἰd they would shut the border down, just like they cut off travel from south African countries. The fact the border is wide open with 1000’s crossing is more proof it’s all a joke, it’s nothing but a highly contagious flu going around – just like many of us knew and experienced since late 2019.