Everything Chuck Schumer is saying in this video from 2005 he in fact is now actively engaged in making reality as Senate Majority Leader.
Everyword he says here about the idealogues he and his ilk are in fact trying to make reality!
‘The bottom line is very simple the ideologues in the senate want to turn what the Founding Fathers called “the cooling saucer of democracy” into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. We will not let them, they want… because they can’t get their way on every judge to change the rules in midstream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don’t get your way you change the rules.
Are we going to let them?
It’ll be a doomsday for democracy if we do.’
Chuckles, like many in the communist party, defines hypocrite, regardless of all the ranting and raving he does on comrade RACIST Joy Reid’s propaganda show to justify changing Senate rules.
When Chuckles speaks about having to do something about voting rights, what this bastard is really saying is making what these @#$%^&*s did in 2020 PERMANENT! That means mail-in ballots printed right from your computer that get harvested by communist party members running polling and ballot drop-off locations. It means ANYONE can vote because there is no legit verification system in place, which really means all those illegal aliens the old guy and harlot are letting into the country via the open southern border will vote along with those who voted multiple times using bogus addresses. He wants to ensure permanent one party rule under the democ.. communists!
Think this assessment is wrong? It’s already happened in California, New York and many other states now under communist control, with many states on the verge of flipping (ex Arizona which this site has warned for years would happen, and look at them now with 2 communist senators). There’s TONS of actual evidence ignored by the courts and media about the 2020 election that WILL REPEAT since the only thing the GOP is doing is fighting Schumer and Pelosi in Congress. They’re not doing anything else to stop the steal from repeating in the coming midterms let alone 2024.
Schumer is Harry Reid 2.0, he is willing to destroy this country, to in fact bring doomsday to democracy. Listen to him again in 2005, and compare that with today. He is that monster he was accusing republicans of being.
Don’t blame him it’s his nature to be this evil, and frankly don’t blame the GOP either. They are and have always been spineless weasels. BLAME YOURSELVES for not electing people who will do what they say, and not recalling those who did a 180°!