Van Jones Attacks Roger Ailes on Comment That Obama is Lazy
The self avowed communist sits well over at one of the arms of the Office of Propaganda for the imperial regime! Leave it to this commie to pull the race card. I’m no fan of…
The self avowed communist sits well over at one of the arms of the Office of Propaganda for the imperial regime! Leave it to this commie to pull the race card. I’m no fan of…
The only dangerous person I see is you Van! Leave it to CNN to “legitimize” a self avowed communist and radical as one of their contributors!
Commie !@#$%^&*&(*$#@!@@#…
Pretty scary when a self admitted communist hardcore radical revolutionary is legitimized by the OSM and put on television on most weekly! 0bama a Nobel Peace Prize winner who killed Bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, has…
Ahhh showing his true colors as to who he really is. You know guys like Jones must get the shakes having to be so restrained in public! Then the self admitted communist comes back to…
Jackass alert…
And this is coming from a self avowed communist who hates everything that built this nation! I’d rather be deemed a cheap patriot than a progressive radical hell bent on destroying this nation! VJ is…
“TEA Party put Congress in a headlock (making gun gesture his hand pointed at a “head” in headlock with his opposite arm) and said if you don’t do what we say we’re going to blow…
Slick is at again at the monsters gathering in Providence RI. During his keynote speech at the Netroots Conference, Jones once again attacked the TEA Party using his influential speaking skills, just as another very…
Only ones destroying this country are the monsters like Jones who are pushing their communist beliefs hidden behind their lies of social & income justice etc. This guy is so slick in his speech he…