bill maher
CNN’s Burnett Challenges Axelrod’s Hypocrisy Over Liberal Extreme Attacks On Women
Michelle Malkin and Jason Mattera Speak With Sean Hannity About Left-Wing Hate Speech
Bill Maher: Obama’s Million Dollar Man
Boycott Maher, boycott HBO, boycott anyone or entity tied to the radical left the Obama regime etc. Nothing is going to change in this country until people fed up start getting active. Initiating Counter Boycotts…
Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh a STUPID FAT F@#$!
Amazing this joke has a show making millions, enough so he can donate $1 mil to a Super Pac. He is defending Rush because he knows people will come for him too. What he says…
Bill Maher Shows How Spineless Libs Are, Comes to Rush’s Defense!
Oh isn’t this a nice little gem! Maher you spineless worm! Let me make it absolutely clear why Maher is making this move. He knows there is a day of reckoning coming. He and all…
Maher Responds to Limbaugh: I Can Call Palin C-word Because ‘I Don’t Have Sponsors – I’m on HBO’
Maybe its time for HBO to be nudged?!