Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh a STUPID FAT F@#$! TOPICS:Barack Obamabill maherBill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh a STUPID FAT F@#$! Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh a STUPID FAT FUCKcablecontraceptioncontraception mandatedemocratFat Funny Prankfridayhbolate nightmillion dollarsobamaradioreal timeRepublicanrush calls fluke a slutrush limbaughRush Limbaugh slutsandra flukeUnited Stateswhore Posted By: BMartin1776 March 10, 2012 Amazing this joke has a show making millions, enough so he can donate $1 mil to a Super Pac. He is defending Rush because he knows people will come for him too. What he says is no different from someone on the right.