New Voter ID Law in NC Renews Debate Over Voting Regs
Don’t you find it amazing these libs never cry foul when those they represent that are “suppressed” are required to have ID to get on a plane, drive a car, buy liquor & tobacco products,…
Don’t you find it amazing these libs never cry foul when those they represent that are “suppressed” are required to have ID to get on a plane, drive a car, buy liquor & tobacco products,…
Aside from illegals voting, Project Veritas guys wore some absurd outfits and the poll officials went right along thinking they were legit.
I’m sure you have seen the clip of Rep. McHenry, but here is the entire segment leading up to his comment to Sec. Chu.
Undocumented huh! NO those of us in the real world who will not bow down to political correctness will call you as we see you ILLEGAL ALIENS. Can someone explain why these ILLEGAL ALIENS weren’t…
The message that was delivered from this agent to the little girls is, your Mom doesn’t know what’s good for you, we do. You can’t trust your Mom. Rush is dead on it’s about control.
USA Today By Susan Page WASHINGTON – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney essentially ties Barack Obama in the nation’s top dozen battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States survey finds, while rival Newt Gingrich now trails…