Obama Urges Wealthy to Pay More in Taxes to Help Needy 📺
… Well Then He Should PAY UP or SHUT UP! Fmr pres obama was giving a speech, in honor of fmr South African leader Nelson Mandela, where he went on a rant about wealth inequality….
… Well Then He Should PAY UP or SHUT UP! Fmr pres obama was giving a speech, in honor of fmr South African leader Nelson Mandela, where he went on a rant about wealth inequality….
Enough is enough with this outright class warfare being launched against Americans, rich and poor, to pay more in taxes by progressives. We have dishonest politicians using the media and their Hollywood friends trying…
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Prof Caroline Heldman had the audacity to suggest the rich people, who earn over 470k per year (“top 1%”), should pay 80% tax rate, to share the wealth. When Carlson…
If they want to pay more they can! Anyone can PAY MORE anytime they want. You are being lied to America by these bastards in DC. PAY UP or SHUT UP! All the info is…
System that doesn’t work Dick, err Rich, because you know your bluff has been called to PAY UP OR SHUT UP! You are the 1% you need to start paying buddy. As usual like most…
Don’t need to be taxed if they want to pay more they can, anytime they want… Pay Up or Shut Up!