Bill O’Reilly Absolutely DESTROYS Young Leftist Activist Monica Novoa

So story behind this MONSTER is she is an agent of and they are taking political correctness to a whole new level. They want to treat the word ILLEGAL like an offensive racist word…. right up there with N-word. Thats right you heard me right these monsters want to treat the word ILLEGAL and referring to ILLEGALS as ILLEGAL a racist word! They claim ILLEGAL is offensive and responsible for violence etc toward ILLEGALS.

I got to tell you the more I hear this garbage the more I will be using words like ILLEGAL to piss them off even more. So be sure wherever you are to call it as you see it when it comes to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and those ILLEGALLY here. They broke our laws to be here thus they are ILLEGAL. This little monster can whine and try to put it right up there with the N-word but facts are facts and they are ILLEGAL.