No proof whatsoever the shooting was racially motivated as many believe. We now hear the story that was told in a letter from a Zimmerman family member to NAACP in Seminole County FL. Has the OSM reported any of this? Have the racist opportunists (Jackson Sharpton, Black Panthers) stepped forward acknowledging Zimmerman’s help for a homeless black man who was beaten by the son of a Sanford PD officer or the kids he tutored? NO. Because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the radical left to demonize a “white hispanic” (whatever the hell that means) in dividing this nation where one of the many fruits of their labor will be to sway voters to side with Obama! This is all a game of manipulation when you take a step back and see how this puzzle piece fits into their grand scheme!
No I’m not reaching, watch how this all plays out, watch how this gets politicized as it has yet to hit the fan on gun control. I would say that is part 2 of their agenda to go after gun rights….