Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception

I’m not one to promote books/ videos I haven’t read or watched or conspiracy theory but since the Emperor has no shame in lying on a daily basis I figured what the hell in sharing this!

Dreams from My Real Father seems raise some interesting questions on the Emperor’s past, suggesting Frank Marshall Davis is the Emperors real father! The side by side photos really got my attention.

I have long argued the Emperor is hiding his legal identity, thus all the smoke and mirrors with the birth certificate controversy. This offers yet another logical reason for his records being sealed, vs the birther argument.

We also know the Emperors life is pretty much a fairy tale, many aspects of his life told in his books are made up. Glenn Neck made one heck of argument not too long ago asking “you” Do you know anyone like Obama? That said who is to say BHO Sr is really his father at this point!?!?

If someone is familiar with the book or DVD and wants to drop a synopsis on it give me a shout.