No Surprise, Obama Blames Bush for Rise of ISIS
Obama is correct ISIS is a spinoff of al Qaeda (they are the same really) but then he leaves the fact that they have been around long before George W Bush was President (approx 1988…
Obama is correct ISIS is a spinoff of al Qaeda (they are the same really) but then he leaves the fact that they have been around long before George W Bush was President (approx 1988…
Every single time this guy speaks it makes blood shoot out of your eyeballs! No one said the West is at war with islam BUT the West is at war with radical islam whether this…
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota clearly did not do her homework… probably one of many reasons why she was canned by Fox! There is nothing baffling about why ISIS is hell-bent on bringing on the apocalypse, they…
Woodward is correct obama has no strategy to take on ISIS, he thinks he can continue with limited pinprick airstrikes. Those strikes have proven to be ineffective where the killers have grown 4-fold in the…
Judge Pirro as expected ripped into obama for defending radical islam by attacking Christians when he justified the actions of muslim extremists today to the Christian Crusade at the 2015 Prayer Breakfast. Obama did the…
After the Lt Muath al-Kaseasbeh was burned alive the Jordanian govt responded quickly and strongly with the execution of two terrorist prisoners and a heavy air campaign, that King Abdullah II promised would continue “relentlessly”…
This SOB has no shame and will do everything possible to defend radical islam. Were “terrible deeds committed in the name of Christ”? Yes, but that was 900 years ago with the First Crusade starting…
Behold the Kerry-Obama foreign policy: The battle against ISIS is not going to be won on the battlefield but in “classrooms, workplaces, houses of worship, community centers, urban street corners in the perceptions and the…
This admin can rename the role of our troops headed to Iraq all it wants to save face from obama’s lie of no boots on the ground. But fact of the matter is the moment…
Th one thing we all can look forward to at the end of each week is Pirro taking Benito Obama to the woodshed! The Judge called the fool in the white house out for doing…