Growing concerns of possible UN control over the Internet

Just an act to once and for all silence free speech by putting a lid on other forms of communication which have hurt tyrannical regimes around the world where citizens used those systems (Twitter, Facebook etc) to get the truth out. The middle east since Iran’s Green Revolution in ’09 to date is perfect example. Powers that be shut down most systems but people were still able to get the word out via the net of the atrocities taking place. Safe to assume the end goal is to be able stop all of it from Twitter to Facebook.

U.N. to Seek Control of the Internet
by Daniel Halper | Weekly Standard
Next week the United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union will meet in Dubai to figure out how to control the Internet. Representatives from 193 nations will attend the nearly two week long meeting, according to news reports.

“Next week the ITU holds a negotiating conference in Dubai, and past months have brought many leaks of proposals for a new treaty. U.S. congressional resolutions and much of the commentary, including in this column, have focused on proposals by authoritarian governments to censor the Internet. Just as objectionable are proposals that ignore how the Internet works, threatening its smooth and open operations,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

“Having the Internet rewired by bureaucrats would be like handing a Stradivarius to a gorilla. The Internet is made up of 40,000 networks that interconnect among 425,000 global routes, cheaply and efficiently delivering messages and other digital content among more than two billion people around the world, with some 500,000 new users a day. read more