The video on this page was produced 30 years ago following a mass shooting. To this day the information in it is accurate and invaluable as FACTS are being ignored to this day. As you can see from the content below this post has been updated over the years after tragedies. Pundits, activists and politicians on the Left are driven by emotion and opinion using made up terminology, ie “assault weapons” “military style”, “high-capacity magazines” etc, to help push an agenda which aims to violate one of Americans fundamental rights, the Second Amendment.
We have a people problem not a gun problem in America. How do we know this to be true? Because there are an estimated 80-90 million gun owners in America, possessing 300-400 million guns and billions of rounds of ammunition. If guns were truly the problem the number of mass killings would be quite higher based on the numbers of weapons readily available to the public.
PLEASE WATCH this video and share it as it will dispel the myths being pushed out by progressives in the media, holding public office and running special interest groups.
2/20/18 This post was originally in response to the misinformation being put out by the media following the Sandy Hook massacre, then the Isla Vista/ Santa Barbara rampage where unfortunately it remains relevant to this day after some maniac or just an evil individual goes on a rampage. Those with political agenda, to dismantle America as we know it, are constantly misinforming the public after every tragedy, demanding rights (Second Amendment) be taken away from millions over the action of one or a few. They believe blaming an inanimate object and banning it will stop the killings we see in America. For the record guns have been in American homes for generations. The weapons being used today were more readily and easily available just 30-50 years ago, yet we didn’t have mass shootings like today? What changed aside from all the laws?
People changed, we have a people problem not a gun problem. Regardless in the Left’s eyes: The needs of the one or the few outweigh the needs of the many, where their solution is to take rights away over the actions of a few or one.
Please watch the video and share it, especially to those clearly uninformed that looks have no affect on mechanical function.
** FYI the gentleman in the video (sponsored by the NRA) told me a few years back he is willing to do a new video. So if anyone, any organization wants to sponsor it say the word I’ll do my best to let him know.
12/17/12 The media is doing one hell of a job misinforming people about weapons used in these horrific mass killings. They are trying to paint the picture that many Americans are armed with assault rifles which is an outright lie. It’s on purpose because they assume you are too stupid to get educated on what they are pointing the finger of blame at.
Watch the video produced by a San Jose police officer and share it with as many people as you know. It will prove the lies coming from the left. I don’t know if its ignorance, complacency or stupidity from people on the right but after these tragedies they do not challenge gun grabbers to tell the truth.
Case in point about the right: During Fox News’ The Five segment following the Sandy Hook massacre 12/17/12 liberal Bob Beckel ran his mouth about people having assault rifles which is a lie.
The Problem: Co-host Eric Bolling, a gun owner who knows this to be untrue, allowed Beckel to spew the lies unchallenged; Bolling never corrected Beckel. Instead Bolling carried on about not debating on the particulars because it was too soon after the tragedy; that’s a problem!
Another example: Not too soon after the Isla Vista, CA rampage 5/23/14 gun grabbers like Piers Morgan were at it again. Since an “assault rifle” wasn’t used, anti-gun people like Morgan went to plan “B” blaming the laws on the books, that people shouldn’t have access to any firearms while leaving out key FACTS. Facts like the killer bought his 3 guns legally and each time a background check was run where the killer then had to wait 10 days to take delivery. Other key facts that have been completely ignored are that the killer’s first three victims were stabbed to death. His next two victims unfortunately were shot dead and the sixth died from being hit by the killer in his BMW! You definitely will not hear anyone on the left but also the right in the media point out that only 2 of the 6 were killed with a gun. Those on the right will play it safe, not wanting to rock the boat.
The left is busy planting the seeds of misinformation which become facts while the right wants to be all touchy feely, talk things out and not be confrontational following these tragedies when they should be the ones taking the lead setting the record straight, regardless of who’s feelings get hurt!
I’m telling you people out there on the right thinking that way, bending over to the left it will be your undoing. Education and getting the facts out immediately following a tragedy is as important as talking about victims.