Rush: Obama SOTU To Openly Present Most Left-Wing Manifesto Ever TOPICS:abortionamnestyBarack ObamaconservativedemocratsDivider in ChiefExtremeFringegayGay Marriageglobal warminggun controlLeft WingLeft-Wing ManifestoliberalLiberalsmitt romneyobamaObama SOTUObama SOTU To Openly Present Most Left-Wing Manifesto EverObama State Of The Union AddressObamas State Of The UnionOppositionpresidentrushrush limbaughSame Sex MarriagesotuSOTU 2013state of the unionUnity Posted By: BMartin1776 February 11, 2013 The emperor will make more than lies as he as done year after year while working to divide this nation and fundamental transform it into some sick demented socialist/ marxist/ communist progressive utopia.