WOOHOO Jon Stewart is Retiring From the Daily Show!
(play these at the same time to get the full effect!) Had to share the news that this POS, no talent, failed Hollywood comedic hack who needs 20 writers for a 20ish minute tv show…
(play these at the same time to get the full effect!) Had to share the news that this POS, no talent, failed Hollywood comedic hack who needs 20 writers for a 20ish minute tv show…
Many ask what is the left’s plan well here you go this ought to give you a good picture as to what they have planned! After you listen or read (full text below) this 2003…
The left is so desperate to get this machine of theirs switched on they have no problem now calling for king obama to wave his magic pen with more Executive Orders. Last time I checked…
This is disturbing because the media and countless pundits are whitewashing progressives as just some other political ideology. Progressives are not what people think being forward thinking, out of the box, advancing society etc. Progressives…
The communists had their weekly GOP bashing and retelling of history on PIG Mahers show. Why are commies trying so desperately to compare obama with Ronald reagan? They are complete opposites, Reagan a conservative trying…
Well so much for that last-ditch dream huh libs?! No AR-15 used, so that little conquest of yours will be squashed. You all might want to run to the hills on gun control with this…
Detroit went under because of small government?!! Melissa Harris-Perry is certifiably insane! There are no tax revenues for a myriad of reasons and small government isn’t one of them. Those living in Detroit that were…
Tara Setmayer, Communications Director for Rep Rohrabacher, could only take so much from liberal buffoon Elie Mystal, who runs AbovetheLaw.com, after he made outlandish comments in defense of Bronco Bama’s agenda. Mystal first defended his…
Nothing more satisfying than watching a prog like Leslie Marshall get dismantled by Dana Loesch. You see libs those of us on “the right” use these things called facts and the truth. You on the…
You might recall, before his death last year, Andrew Breitbart was doing significant coverage on Pigford Scam. Levin reads from a New York Times article that vindicates Breitbart. ….. U.S. Opens Spigot After Farmers Claim…