Well so much for that last-ditch dream huh libs?! No AR-15 used, so that little conquest of yours will be squashed. You all might want to run to the hills on gun control with this all together since Biden is the one who said buy a shotgun because it’s easier! This killer like the others (Aurora, Sandy Hook) is one of your own too, so blaming the radical right-wing TEA party is out the door!
Sucks for you guys huh? Every time someone comes unhinged and performs monstrous acts against others you all hope and pray it will fuel your cause. Then the TRUTH comes out and you dopes have nothing to stand on. But what does this say to America when you are all in the corner praying a weapon of war is used on fellow Americans and that a heinous act is carried out by your opposition so you can tie it to an entire movement to demonize them as a whole?
What it tells this American is that you are my enemy, should never be trusted and be removed from your position of power and influence!