Since many of us speaking out are against the encroachment of government into our lives, their abuse of power, the use of thug tactics via DOJ IRS NSA, simply because we are seeking fiscal responsibility, small government, transparency, right to privacy, respect and honor the Constitution to just exist and be left alone apparently we are considered a small radical faction, like a Resistance movement. For the record General Washington and those who fought under him were considered rebels too, the Resistance if you will, and we know how that ended! So the message one should take from this is as the Progressives continue to pile it on we will take it and fight on. We the people are a resurgence into the very spirit that won this nation its freedom from a tyrant. is about fighting the political machine, the tyrants in DC along with their cronies (ie PR mainstream media, special interests etc), civil within the rule of law. So if you read anything else into this message to go on and say something absurd that those of us on the “True Right” are calling for an uprising, well your just lying.
Clearly we are in a fight, right vs wrong, good vs evil, liberals vs conservatives… whatever. You Progressives can try to change our way of life but are you sure wanna “ride this train”? We the People are digging in and are not going to stop fighting!