‘….more fertile and they love families and they have more intact families and they may bring a younger population’
This was disgusting display of praise for immigrants by Jeb Bush. He placed them on a pedestal and quite frankly put down “native-born” Americans as people who are not entrepreneurial who lack family values!
The Bush family needs to go away and this clown needs to be quiet on ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty. Why does Jeb Bush and the other progressives want to bend over backwards for illegals? Power and control! It’s that simple!
They know they give amnesty they will gain a massive voting block that will keep them in power indefinitely. America we cannot allow ANY ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill to get through. Our future, our children’s future all rides on what we do now.
If you are in or around DC next Wednesday June 19th I suggest you go to the Capitol to join those, who will already be there to protest the IRS, in Congress on our side like Reps Bachmann, Gohmert and King to protest against ANY immigration bill going through. Boehner and the progressives in the House must be stopped. The corrupt Senate is a loss, as many like Marco Rubio are taking their agenda driven masks off.