The first to shots fired against gun rights were by the imperial emperor with his official response to the Zimmerman verdict and then his majesty’s campaign chief propagandist Axeldouche in a tweet.
And now we have shot #3 fired by the top racist in the nation Al “I profit by deceiving my own people” Sharpton blaming the NRA for the Stand Your Ground Law. You see what they are doing folks? They are talking about Stand Your Ground, the NRA while completely ignoring killing fields like Chicago that has over 500 killed to date!
Why aren’t they talking about that? They know their arguments against gun rights fail in a city and state with heavy gun control. So instead let’s start attacking Florida, blame the state and the NRA for the Martin killing. To hell with the number of people who have saved themselves or others because of laws like Stand Your Ground. What you are witnessing is the same storyline to disarm America. They will preach “we don’t want to take your guns away” while they push against legal carry, gun ownership and laws like Stand Your Ground to be repealed. Give it time you will see politicians talking repeal of the law and restricting concealed carry now; billionaire Bloomberg has already started.
I said it and I’m going to keep saying it, the Zimmerman verdict opened Pandora’s Box wide open for the progressive agenda to fundamental transformation!