Blowout on Hannity After Monica Crowley Lectures on Lib Race Baiters

First off this was the second time during the show Monica Crowley was dead on. Following this second dose of truth certain guests couldn’t contain themselves. Now, do you understand why I posted this?

It’s no big mystery but I’m curious to see the responses on this. An old tv character quote comes to mind “I love it when a plan comes together!”

This is exactly what the imperial emperor, his Black Panther sympathizing attorney general and the racist industry are banking on. These people are a representation of Americans right now. Mark Levin spelled it out weeks ago….

Look at them! They are all at each others throat!

This is exactly what Obama wants, he has us fighting with each other! America you are letting the radicals win. You have got to get off your asses and into the faces of those dividing us. Keyboard Patriotism is not going to work this time around. The left knows this and are banking on you all sitting at home mulling things over living in fear for speaking out!