Michelle Malkin completely destroyed race hustling poverty pimp Al Sharpton tonight on Hannity. Michelle was as dead on tonight as Bill O’Reilly was last week, calling Sharpton out saying the “guy is a shakedown artist who hates cops, who hates whites, who hates Jews who has stoked his rent-a-mob to murder Yankel Rosenbaum, to destroy the life of Steven Pagones when he lied about Tawana Brawley. And who has done nothing but foment very kind of anger that he is now accusing you of, a once “friend”. I think the lesson here is something that I have tried tirelessly to remind all conservatives. If you get in the snakepit you will be bit and conservatives have been far too nice to these people in a good-faith effort to try and have honest race relations. You can’t with somebody who was demagogue and who is evil.”
There was nothing Malkin said that is wrong, Sharpton is enriching himself off of the very people he supposedly defends. He couldn’t careless about the black community and he is keeping them in a box thinking they are useless so he and his handlers can stay in power!