Protesters Blasting Sen Graham For Backing Immigration Bill

Neil Cavuto interviews SC TEA Party Coalition member Ron Hughes about their move to oust Sen Lindsey “Goober” Graham, hoping for a primary challenger. Hughes also weighed in on that waste of flesh Speaker Boehner! Let’s hope this is the beginning and not just a flash to die out!

Goober Graham has to go along with McRINO, Rubio and all the pro ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty progressives infesting DC. They do not care about any of us, they only care about getting votes. They think the hispanic vote will make or break the next election when it was NOT a factor in the 2012 election. Republicants should be acting to regain white voters, because white voters stayed home in ’12 because BOTH candidates stink!

Here is another vid from the SC TEA Party protest via GatewayPundit