Emmett Till Family Questions Improvement in Race Relations ‘Who Are They Asking the Bigots’

Oh gimme a break! I’m very surprised to hear this from this family but then again you can understand it when you know the story of how Emmett Till was murdered. If what they are saying is true then how is it a “black man” got elected to the presidency not once but twice!? I mean blacks are minorities so it was whites for the most part that elected obama! Last time I checked some of the most successful athletes and celebrities are black! Oprah Winfrey is worth $2.9 billion, Russell Simmons $325 million, Kobe Bryant $200 million… I can go on and on!

Mass incarcerations are because of the crimes being committed are by blacks obviously! Or are we to believe cops are just throwing blacks in jail for the hell of it risking massive civil rights lawsuits!? The prosecution, the FBI and the trial of George Zimmerman made it clear the shooting was not racially motivated. This family is clearly listening to leftist talking heads to get their “facts” on the Martin killing.

Any racial division or discrimination felt today is a result of the race hustlers like obama, Jackson, Sharpton, MSNBC etc’s agenda to divide the nation again!