The Great One thundering away at the convenient fix DC has made for itself with Obamacare. We the people will subsidize 75% of THEIR premiums! Congress is being exempted from Obamacare, you would think is the smoking gun to the drones, and even democrats, as to how bad this law is. Hey unions and lefty loons how does it feel? You wanted this bill now you got it!
John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor aka republican leadership are doing absolutely nothing about this. They don’t want this bill stopped, their actions are proof they want obamacare fully implemented. They are enemies of the Republic and must be removed from power. The republican party must be taken over by true red-blooded conservatives, anyone up for re-election must be challenged in a primary.
Obamacare MUST BE STOPPED! Any politician Dem or Rep (they’re all the same) holding town hall events needs to have a massive level of fear instilled in them to stop this law. Be advised leftists are planning on raiding republican town halls, FINE LET THEM! Just be sure to show up at all democrat events!!
STOP PLAYING NICE! Stoop BELOW their level or get out of the game and shut up! I’m tired of people complaining and not taking action. This is our last chance to stop this bill.
Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz are the rebellion in the Congress we must stand with them!