I don’t know what more Congressmen like Steve Stockman of Texas are looking for to initiate the impeachment process against obama. They are looking for a smoking gun to act on, obama just handed it to them when he waived the ban against arming terrorists to aid Syrian rebels!
We would like to see him impeached over many acts from rewriting law (obamacare), using government agencies (IRS, DOJ) as his enforcers against his enemies, but this one(waiving the ban) is solid and many argue an act of treason too!
I get it I understand they want to have all their ducks in a row so there is no way the emperor can get out of it. By Stockman’s own admission “we” have more on 0bama than Congress had on Nixon! Sorry to say there will never be a direct tie to obama and the IRS or DOJ scandals. Derelict of duty by going to sleep during the Benghazi attack probably won’t stick. But to waive a ban against arming your enemy is clear as day! Nothing was hidden, it’s right there in the open, it wasn’t Carney or Jarrett doing it. We finally have a direct tie of a treasonous INTENTION/ ACT of the president. It’s time to stop talking and take action!