The people did not speak on obamacare in the election, as the majority have absolutely NO CLUE whats in the bill. They only know what they hear from the radical left which is all lies. Furthermore I contend those McCain claims spoke out are now victims of this law we hear about in countless stories about workers hours, jobs cuts etc. The few who voted MAY have been in favor of obamacare then but NOT NOW because the truth is out!
John McCain you are a disgrace to the United States, an enemy of the Republic and one has to wonder exactly what kind of brainwashing was done to you while in captivity in Hanoi! I’m tired of people praising and bending over for you for your service while you REPEATEDLY speak/act against the best interests of this country. Just because you went through hell 40+ years ago doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want and bulldoze over our healthcare system.
This country is certifiably insane leaving people like McRINO in power for decades who do nothing but act against the people! Arizona you better wake the hell up and initiate a recall election against this progressive destroyer.