Mark Levin: Obama Plans to Bypass Congress Unilaterally Raise the Debt Ceiling ‘Which Would Be Brazen Impeachable Offense’

The Great One lays out what he believes is obamas plan to bypass Congress on the debt ceiling should the Senate pass some form of a budget that defunds obamacare or a part of it! Levin explains under Constitutional law our debts will be paid, we cannot go into default…

“…the funds are available to pay principal and interest, so we’re not going to default. But Obama wants to keep saying we’re going to default, he wants to keep saying it’s gonna push us into recession, he wants to keep saying it’s the republicans who are shutting down the government. Because Obama if pushed, if he gets a bill that he vetoes Obama wants to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling, unilaterally grant to himself the power of the Constitution grants the Congress under article 1 to spend and to borrow, that’s what he’s up to. He’s running around the country using this rhetoric, this damning rhetoric to lay the foundation for the most brazen unconstitutional act ever ever of any President of the United States. The act of a dictator

How many dopes in DC do you think know this? Better question is who in DC has ever read the Constitution to know!? I’m not a gambler but I’m about ready to bet Boehner and McConnell, who will not back Cruz in the Senate, are in on whatever the emperor has planned! Congress has set precedent by standing by doing nothing as this dictator runs around them and he will do it AGAIN! There are many acts committed by the emperor that are impeachable but no one has the will to act because they do not care about the people. We’ve been nudged and are now being shoved yet still no one will take a stand. It will get bad and by the time folks stand up to this radical machine it will be too late. And what comes after being nudged and shoved… they start to shoot!