“…there are those who fight to make it as easy as possible for dangerous people to get their hands on guns..”
Yes the imperial emperor is suggesting pro-gun groups/ advocates work to make it easy for criminals to get guns to mow innocent people down!
The emperor will lie to no end to advance his gun grabbing agenda. During this speech at the Congressional Black Caucus, he left out the fact that criminals don’t follow the law and will always get their hands on weapons. He didn’t mention that the Navy ship yard killer bought the shotgun he used to kill 12 people legally as did the other mass killers, or in many instances weapons used in killings were obtained illegally. There are more than enough gun laws in place, what we need is legislators and law ENFORCEMENT to ENFORCE the laws on the books. If needed let’s add some teeth to existing laws with harsher jail-time and penalties.
The emperor left out that the majority of cities and states with high rates of gun violence have some of the strictest laws in the nation. Those cities and states that do not have strict laws have low rates of gun violence because the people can fight back! Here’s an idea how about allowing gun owners to actually carry their weapons because it seems to work?