The obama regime is in full attack mode punishing the American people (veterans & civilians) over the debt/ obamacare fight in Congress. They have no shame and will go to any lengths to ram their agenda down our throats.
This memorial like the World War II and Vietnam memorials is an open air memorial. There are no historical pieces on display, no building structures of any kind, no risks to people visiting etc.
I’m curious if the park rangers are on site asking people to leave then who is paying for them to be there? Aren’t these the same rangers who would be present if the memorial was left open!?
Let me try this one more time, you dopes in DC pulling this crap think closing these places down is going to make people get angry with republicans you’re gravely mistaken. The House of Representatives whose majority is republicans HAS PASSED bills keeping government open; they have since day one! The only ones responsible for the shutdown are the socialists who have been talking about shutting government down and making it happen! It is Harry Reid and Barack Obama that will not budge and negotiate on the continuing resolution. Their actions in refusing to bring bills funding government that have been PASSED in the House to the Senate floor and to negotiate with the republicans speak louder than the lies they are pushing to put blame on the GOP.
This makes you wish there was more support when the memorial for Flight 93 was proposed that there would have been more private organizations stepping in to fund it. Then again that wouldn’t matter to this administration, they don’t care if memorials are paid with private funds like the WWII memorial, they will shut them down regardless of who paid for them!