“A dream come true for many people in our country. They can fully realize the promise of our Founders of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Healthier life, liberty to pursue their happiness…”
Look at this evil demon gloat, so proud of herself, even worse invoking the Founders who would have dealt with her kind in a swift manner! Pelozei, as House Speaker, rammed the bill through in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, with a super majority, against the will of the American people (who were awake at the time). Yeah Nanzi that’s something to be so proud about, what a dream come true! Through deceit, deception, defiance and outright loathing toward the will of the American people you and the super majority of demoncrats moved the US into socialism which will destroy our healthcare system and economy. This is what happens America when you stay silent unengaged giving power to the left.
America save this video and ones like it from these SOB’s taking victory laps. When it all comes apart we are going to ram stuff like this down progressives throats! Obamascare is such a winner barely anyone has signed up for it. The government health exchange sites barely work where many people, the alleged 7 million visitors, visiting those sites are seeking information on how to opt-out! That hotline she brags about… people are calling it because they do not believe the number for the hot line 1-800-F1U-CKYO is real!