Rep Duncan Hunter Calls For Sec Hagel to Resign Tells Megyn Kelly: Administration Intentionally Withheld Military Death Benefits

Rep Hunter “ was definitely intentional at at some point in the Department of Defense somebody looked somebody else in the eye and said “do not give these families the death benefit””

The call to make these cuts IS coming from the imperial white house, whether it is the emperor himself or the One is another question. IMO the One, Valerie Jarrett, is making these decisions to protect his majesty. She is and has been out of the spotlight on purpose while she plays a key role in running the administration. Jarrett is on record saying she would do absolutely anything for his majesty and if that means making these calls and potentially take the fall she will do it… without a second thought!

What folks need to understand is that all essential agencies are funded during this shutdown including the DOD/ military. As Judge Napolitano explains funding for EVERYTHING else is at the Executive Branches discretion:

“It’s the Executive Branch that is closed and the president runs the Executive Branch and he can say how money’s going to be spent.

Now the essential parts of the government are open which means debt is being paid transfer payments, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security’s being paid and defense is being paid. everything else and there’s not much left with the money that he has before they start borrowing is entirely and exclusively up to him.

…Last time he predicted life will be unlike anything you’ve known if the sequestration cuts end and tried to make life miserable…”

The Executive Branch makes the calls and based on obama’s history of promising pain withholding death benefits to fallen warriors families matches his MO! Obama HATES the military his actions prove it as he has made moves on reducing funding and will throw them under the bus without hesitation.