ObamaCare Phone and Paper Applications Plagued By Same Problems As Website

Uhg the irony with stories like this coming from members of the regimes propaganda network like ABC. This story by Jon Karl is what led to a heated exchange with Jay Carney. It seems all the networks are now reporting bad stories about obamacare to CYA for when SHTF! They expect Americans short-term memories will save them from the fact they all played a role in getting elitists into power passing obamacare in the dark of night on Christmas Eve in 2009.

People cannot sign up online, phone and by-mail are just as bad because the government workers are inept… just like obama! Sorry to those who feel insulted with that statement but what we now have is the DMV experience amplified 1000 times in a failed healthcare scam. This is what happens when you have know-it-all Ivy league bookworms calling the shots with no real world experience. Obama and most of his minions have never run a lemonade or hot-dog stand let alone held real jobs! What these inexperienced govt bookworms are doing engaging in business reminds me of a line from Ghostbusters by “Dr Ray Stantz” (Dan Aykroyd):

Elitists are happy having money handed to them out of thin air to do their little projects without ever having to answer to someone! This is the life they are accustomed to and are now trying to implement to the nation.

Government should not be in the healthcare business and quite frankly any type of business. Every business this government, especially under BO, touches goes to hell from Amtrak to the postal service and now healthcare!