“…to say it’s a train wreck is an insult to train wrecks!”
Doesn’t that opening statement by Rep Trey Gowdy say it all? Hundreds of millions of dollars, YOUR TAX DOLLARS, once again wasted on another obama regime failed project. Anyone reading this can go buy a website under $10 and build a site a few hours. Healthcare.gov wasn’t anything special from the typical website you sign up for some service or product. You can go to an unlimited number of sites to get quotes on a product and service based on your “profile”. There is no excuse for this failure other than it was never meant to work. No it is meant to be a stepping stone to get us to single payer AND to keep eyes off what the other hand of the tyrannical govt is up to -> immigration reform!
One would hope Rep Gowdy will get answers from the Todd Park, if he testifies, but we all should be ready for prepared answers from the regimes Sub-President Jarrett to come out of his mouth. No one who has been in the hotseat has ever felt the consequences of their actions or words. We will once again have a show put on to see several thunder away and mock the obamacare website but that still won’t solve anything.
Obamacare is still the law of the land and no one in DC except for the handful of rebels led by Ted Cruz made an attempt to stop it. We are screwed as long as progressives maintain power in DC.