Boehner Attacks Conservative Groups for Opposing Budget Agreement: This is Ridiculous

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What’s ridiculous is John Boehner is still Speaker of the House and running for re-election. What’s ridiculous is that this deal saves us a whopping $23 billion over the next 10 years on the deficit while the national debt will climb to $25 trillion!

This deal does nothing in our best interests for the long term, it was more or less a move to protect vulnerable politicians so as to avoid backlash from another government shutdown.

This is YOUR FAULT America blame yourself for leaving progressives in power election after election. You despise these destroyers of the Republic so much you keep them in power. You have “had it to here with them” but you don’t do the leg work to initiate a recall! You are so angry about everything you do absolutely nothing about it.

Boehner Slaps Conservatives: ‘This is Ridiculous’
By Susan Jones CNS
…The Heritage Foundation said the budget deal “thoroughly disappoints,” and the conservative group offers “three key facts on the sour deal”: It busts through supposed spending caps; it taxes and spends; and it spends now and delays savings until later.

Heritage also noted that budget conferees failed to make substantive reforms to entitlement programs, which it describes as the real drivers of spending and debt.

Likewise, Americans for Prosperity said the deal reverses “hard-won bipartisan spending limits set by the sequester.”

“Spending levels were set by law at $967 billion. Exceeding those levels by $45 billion takes us in the wrong direction; further from fiscal responsibility, and further from the promise made to the American people.”

And FreedomWorks is urging a “no” vote on the bipartisan plan, saying it “is not acceptable to fiscal conservatives.”

“The proposed plan would increase spending $63 billion above the budget caps set by Budget Control Act of 2011—the only actual spending control achieved by Congress under the Obama Administration. The deal claims to offset these costs by increasing various fees, and by making small reforms to government pensions. These new fees aren’t being used to shrink government or balance the budget; they’re simply a mask to help hide the breaching of the budget caps,” FreedomWorks said…more