George Washington Univ Law Professor: Obama’s ‘Becoming The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

So we hear one witness after another give the same warning that we are in dangerous territory under the communist in chief! I’d like to ask Congress what their end goal is with these hearings on his abuse of power?! They will not and cannot impeach obama, so what is this all for?

Countless sites with people like myself have been ringing the warning bell since 2008 about obama and NO ONE would listen. No instead we were and continue to be attacked called every name in the book even though we are now being vindicated by obama’s actions.

Turley speaks of a “Fourth Branch” of govt but I say there is a “Fifth Branch” that took an oath to this nation, the people and the Constitution who better wake the hell up! You know who I am talking about and many of you better do a gut check and take a hard look at yourselves in the mirror soon. Time is coming when you are going to have to make a choice off honoring that oath or being an automaton following orders!