Retired Major General Paul Vallely speaking on local radio show, WBTM (We Become the Media), double downed his call for Americans to confront the tyranny from the imperial emperor warning things will be getting worse in 2014. As he explains impeachment is off the table because of the bipartisanship among progressive democrats and republicans, clearly a resignation won’t happen either and our govt is completely broken. Vallely calls for a parliamentary legislative move to implement a vote no confidence and a national recall and for us to get off our “derrieres” in massive marches on state capitals and Washington DC.
Heres the problem, the General just admitted govt is broken so the odds of a new parliamentary rule implemented for them to have a no confidence vote is quite slim. Harry Reid will laugh it off as he insults conservatives for even suggesting it. Problem number two is we have countless districts under radical control that will make it close to impossible to initiate a recall election. I mean states won’t get rid of their own career politicians who have done absolutely nothing why would a state get behind a obama recall election? Massive marches have potential but many don’t show up and frankly Congress isn’t influenced by marches as they were in the past. People must take it up a notch beyond a march but a massive sit-in may work or something else on a grand level that would halt daily life of those in power. I have two STR tactics in the bullpen for this type of move but I will not publish them until there is a sufficient following that I know and have confidence in will carry them out. Citizens arrests against those who act against this nation sounds good but what do you think will happen to someone trying to arrest Harry Reid or John McCain for treason? Yep that person(s) will end up in jail instead of the real criminals!
The only legislative/ Constitutional solution left is to Article V Congress implementing many of the amendments to the Constitution by the states suggested by Mark Levin. Honestly that’s it kids! Article V was the last “bullet” so to speak the Founders provided to us to stop an out of control government. There is one final option Vallely and MANY others like him can do mimicking what we have seen in other countries like Egypt, as pointed out in the video…. think hard. But who was the KEY to the entire Egyptian effort??? I know so do you and so does Vallely!
Those in brass took an oath to support and defend the US against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. The issue at hand for them is to ask why they discriminate who their enemies are! They will jump on a plane travel thousands of miles to fight an enemy they’ve never seen bent on destroying the US. Why is it they leave roughly 535 tyrants in power who are blatantly violating their oath of office, violating the law DAILY, who have wrecked our economy and healthcare system to name a few which will result in the destruction go the US? One wants to destroy us through violence, the other through legislation, taxation, and debt. But keep in mind those who would kill us with a gun or bomb are looking for non lethal means to destroy us… means similar to what those elected are already doing!! So I ask those of you who are honorable in the military (active/retired) what are you waiting for?