The imperial emperor by making this statement has made it clear he doesn’t care about the businesses cutting back their workforce, workers hours being cut to 30/ week, people LOSING their doctors and plans they were LIED to they could keep etc. If you are up to speed on all the problems and downside of this law then you realize this arrogant communist has just doubled down on everything he is doing to destroy this nation!
No one said anything about going back to the way things use to be. According to the emperor and regime 30 million didn’t have health care so their solution was to DESTROY the best healthcare system in the world for 300 million Americans! To top it off this obaminable law is nothing but a massive power grab and a system to implement wealth redistribution.
Folks you better get out of your comfort zone and do everything that is possible to get conservatives elected taking the power back in the Senate and holding/ increasing power in the House. For those with dreams of impeachment it won’t happen unless “we” get a majority in the Senate!
His majesty wants to keep barackobamacare in force for as long as possible so eventually there will be too many people in it that it will be impossible to repeal even with a conservative dominate House, Senate and White House!