Ryan-Murray Budget Cuts Military Retirement For Veterans Including Those Severely Injured

Those in Congress who have voted for this joke budget deal have no honor. These jerks pushed this budget through to possibly avert future govt shutdowns, everything else about it is just fill and BS. The DC destroyers couldn’t find $6 billion to cut so they have to go after military retirees benefits while have authorized $1 billion for obamacare’s website? Keep in mind billions more are expected to be spent on that piece of garbage law which will go into the trillions!

I’m sure there is plenty of waste in Sen Coburn’s Wastebook that could be cut to cover vets benefits! Will anyone in Congress make those cuts? NO, of course they won’t because those are all pet projects they have funded on behalf of lobbyists etc!

US military active and retired are you paying attention to everything going on? If so I find it amusing how the military will travel 10,000 miles to engage an enemy they’ve never seen on US soil but then discriminate who is and isn’t a domestic enemy!