Comrade Pelozei: Don’t Call it Obamacare

You know what people Nanzi Pelozei is right we should stop calling the Affordable Care Act obamacare. We should call it by its full name for he who will OWN IT and the disaster that comes with it


Take that you witch! May I suggest everyone blast Nanzi’s social media just repeating obamacare or barackobamacare over and over again and say nothing else!?

@NancyPelosi, Facebook

Now America it’s up to you how you want to address this law but pls do not call it by it’s official name. No I want you all to be racists and call it either by that old offensive name obamacare or use its full name BARACKOBAMACARE. Let’s make sure we piss off the demoncrats as much as possible, not allow them to change history and distance his majesty from this LEGISLATIVE PIECE OF SHIT!

They wanted this law they are going to own it along with the economic disaster and deaths that will follow! Ohh did I just say that? Yea people will die because of this law, that of course is the other motivator to get people to stop calling it obamacare.

Screw you Nancy Pelosi you don’t tell me or anyone what we can or cannot say!