“To me, he’s either totally uninformed or he’s part of that hate America crowd…” The only hate America crowd are progressives like King chipping away at our rights daily while burying us in massive debt!
As expected progressive RINO Peter King came out today attacking Rand Paul for initiating a class action lawsuit against the NSA and emperor obama. King claims terror attacks would not have been averted if Paul had his way. So under Petey’s logic it is better to give up our freedom and liberty for a little bit of security. This of course is exactly what Benjamin Franklin warned of that only a progressive like King would suggest we should in fact give up our liberty!
So tell us Petey what is that huge facility in Bluffdale UT for if the NSA isn’t spying on Americans? While you’re at explain all the reports out about how they are collecting our metadata and have the ability to listen in on people’s phone calls, reading emails etc?
All you people in King’s district who keep this big government progressive in power are certified idiots!