Well another jobs report is out giving a false positive about the current state of employment and the economy. Last month the rate was 6.7% and now it has dropped to 6.6% BUT only 113K jobs were created. The real unemployment rate is still in the mid 20’s hovering around 23.5%.
The admin will brag about this “drop” in unemployment as another sign the US is in recovery, but take note as CNS reports there are now 1.2M people less working today than in 2008!
“In January 2008, 146,378,000 Americans 16 and over were employed, and now in January 2014, 145,224,000 are employed, a difference of 1,154,000.”
The labor department reports there are 20 million Americans unemployed/ underemployed but remember that figure is only based on the number of Americans “on the books”(those collecting unemployment etc). There are 92 million out of the labor force, “off the books”, who have given up looking for work that have been written off by this administration. When you put the number “on the books” with those “off the books” you have well over 100 million Americans out of work!
NO ONE in DC seems to care at all about those of us who are unemployed. If you are long-term unemployed(LTUE) you DO NOT EXIST to DC nor the media who as a whole does report the high levels of unemployment. The media will do their stories here and there about unemployed Americans plight to find work, but if you have been LTUE they do not want to talk about any of us! People who cannot get jobs solely because they have been out of work for far too long are being completely ignored by the media! I have called many of them out for ignoring Americans like myself who have been completely written off and forgotten! To tell our story would first put light on outright abuse and discrimination from all businesses big and small but it would also put an even darker shadow on the state of the economy which will only prove my theory the US is in a stealth depression!
Answer this, if the nation is in recovery why is the admin and democrat party trying to extend unemployment benefits? If the nation is doing so well why the extension? Americans are already receiving 99 weeks of unemployment insurance and they want to extend it another 3 months!? Does that make any sense? The truth is there is NO recovery America you are being lied to!
(Note: For those who may have a beef with me knocking the extension of UE benefits FYI I am an extreme example of LTUE who came from the banking industry (try having a business to business mortgage background on your resume and see what that does for your career!), I have NEVER taken a cent front the govt!)